
Showing posts from February, 2018

Global custom action returns 204 No Content rather than the defined output parameters

I have been working on a lot of custom actions lately in Dynamics 365, version 8.0 to 9.0. I have problem updating the custom actions again and again. The custom action suppose to return some output parameters, but it kept returning 204 No Content status, and there is no content in the response. This happened as soon as I made changes to the custom action, either the parameters or the steps, save and activate the custom action. It seems like there is a bug with the UI of the workflow designer for global actions. The generated workflow XAML of the action contains a Target entity and is set to NULL and this is invalid, it shouldn't even be in the XAML file at all. The trick to work around this and get the custom action working again is simply doing the following: - Deactivate the custom action; - Change the unique name of the custom action, I simply just put random number at the end of the current name; - Press the Save button (don't need to activate); - Change the uni...