Dynamics 365 v9 Virtual Entity using OOB OData v4 Provider - PART 3
In the previous post Dynamics 365 v9 Virtual Entity using OOB OData v4 Provider - PART 2 , we created the virtual entity Jobs in Dynamics 365. In this post, we are going to run a few testing scenarios with this virtual entity. Viewing, sorting & searching When I created the virtual entity, I ticked the Sales area to display the entity. So navigate to Sales -> Jobs. The home grid will display. Click the column Scheduled Start to sort by ascending. Page 1: Page 2: Sorting works fine for all other columns. Type in Job 14 in grid search text box, and job with Job Name 14 is shown. Query sent to API: $filter=startswith( JobName ,'Job%2028')&$top=25&$select=JobName,ScheduledStart,CustomerId,JobId&$count=true Type in 31/12/2018 in grid search text box, and job with Scheduled Start on that day is shown. Query sent to API: /Jobs?$filter= ScheduledStart ge 2019-01-09T00:00:00Z and ScheduledStart le 2019-01-10T00:00:00Z or star...